- aws-batch-at-hutch-docs
- curly-guacamole An introduction to the Chef workflow used by Scientific Computing
- CutAndRun-Seq Analysis tools and gh-pages for CutAndRun-Seq technology
- DB4SCI Containerized Database Service (DBaaS)
- easybuild-life-sciences Howto and implementation documentation
- fast-file-zfs-beegfs Architecture and configurations for Fred Hutch “Fast File” service, our HPC posix file system
- FH-minimal-mistakes Fred Hutch version of Minimal Mistakes as a Remote Theme
- FHBig FHBig project page: https://fredhutch.github.io/FHBig/
- IC-RISC-Working IC-RISC working
- lmod-brownbag presentation materials on Lmod use at FredHutch
- mcdermott
- SAGA What’s the role or SAGA in transcription genomwide?
- scicomp-docs Documentation for Scientific Computing at Fred Hutch
- SDGenotypingAnalysis Public repo containing all of the required analysis tools to generate SD Genotyping data
- SEACR-webapp web app to wrap SEACR method
- slurm-examples examples of using slurm in life sciences workflows using posix file systems and object storage
- super-memory AWS Batch First-Look Presentation
- svalbard-intro A presentation for the Svalbard Vault implementation
- svalbard-overview Overview of Svalbard, Vault, and Secrets Management
- TapscottLab a repository to host TapscottLab’s gh-pages and bioinformatics tools
- UsingCyberduckAndS3AtFredHutch
- wiki SciWiki: Collective KnowledgeBase for Scientific Data and Use