Onboarding to AWS Batch

NOTE: This documentation is for SciComp staff only. Other users do not have the permissions required to onboard new users and following these instructions will result in errors.


The way to onboard a new user is to do the following on one of the rhino nodes:

. /app/local/aws-batch-wrapper/env/bin/activate # start virtual env
/app/local/aws-batch-wrapper/onboarding.py # show help message
# For a user with HutchNet ID jblow and PI name peters-u, run:
/app/local/aws-batch-wrapper/onboarding.py jblow peters-u
# If the user has a 'div' bucket instead of a 'pi' bucket, do this
# (omit the fh-div-):
/app/local/aws-batch-wrapper/onboarding.py jblow sr-genomics

This requires some special permissions, you probably need to authenticate your command-line session with MFA.

The onboarding.py code can be found in the aws-batch-wrapper repository.