Scientific Software at Fred Hutch

Scientific Software at Fred Hutch

This website documents open source scientific software at the Fred Hutch that is maintained by HPC. These are the software modules that are available on the SciComp compute resources. The purpose of this site is to provide an up to date catalog of scientific software. Posts are created as new software is added and updated. Use the Software Updates link on the main page to check for recent updates. The Fred Hutch maintains local builds of R and Python that contain hundreds of packages. Provide a list of R and Python versions along with a detailed list for R and Python packages.


FredHutch Scientific Computing is using Easybuild to create and document open source software (OSS). EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework. EasyBuild is a community project supported by research centers from around the world. EasyBuild builds software from a specification scripts named easyconfigs. Each version of every software tool has a specific easyconfig file. Easyconfig follow a strict nameing scheme <name>-<version>[-<toolchain>][-<versionsuffix>]. Easyconfigs are managed with GitHub. The Hutch’s HPC environment provides 100’s of OSS packages to our Scientists and staff. All software is built to offer high reproducibility, it can be rebuilt exactly even 10 years from now.


The Gizmo Cluster will be updated from Ubuntu Trusty to Bionic update for the summer of 2020. The upgrade will nessitage rebuilding all software packages. Bionic packages are being built with the foss-2019b toolchain. EasyBuild packages are built from a common set of build tools referred to as a toolchain. Toolchains are standardized and updated twice per year, using the naming convention YEAR[a/b]. Beginning with the foss-2019b toolchain dependent libraries are being standradized for each toolchain for consistency within the toolchain. The foss-2016b toolchain was used by Trusty version of Gizmo, and foss-2019b will be used for Bionic.

R and Python modules at the Hutch are customized to support our local user base. The Hutch will continue to support custom R and Python modules but they will be based on the published modules from EasyBuild. The custom packages will have a versionsuffix of “-fhx”. The “x” will be a version number that changes as new modules are added without changing the versions of any of the existing packages. Example Python-3.7.4-foss-2019b is a base package that used by the EasyBuild community which only contains 44 packages. Our local build of Python 3.7.4-foss-2019b-fh1 has hundreds of packages based on users requests.

Site Maintenance

This site (EasyBuild-Life-Sciences) is a GitHub Pages site hosted from GitHub Easybuild-life-sciences. The contents of the site are contained in the docs directory.

Document a Module

When a new module is created or updated that is of interest to our user community it should be documented. Our EasyBuild environment contains hundreds of modules. Many of these modules are system libraries that users do not interactive with. We do not document libraries like libXcb. To document and a significate module like BLAST+ a notice should be made created and the software inventory should be updated. Only moudles with a moduleclass of bio` will be documented in the software inventory. But a notification can be made for any module.

# Perform all work with the repository directory tree.
cd  ~/easybuild-life-sciences
# Create a Post
./scripts/ BLAST+-2.7.1-foss-2018b.eb
# Update Software Inventory
Collecting Inventory
Generating Markdown
Wrote inventory to /home/jfdey/easybuild-life-sciences/docs/

Notice that the inventory name is based on the Ubuntu version.

Document R and Python Packages

# Perform all work with the repository directory tree.
cd  ~/easybuild-life-sciences
./scripts/ fh_easyconfigs/Python-3.6.7-foss-2018b.eb
Package: Python-3.6.7-foss-2018b
# easy_annotate will create an Markdown file based on the package name
# Move the Markdown to the approreate directory
#  docs/_R or docs/_Python
mv docs/_Python/

Update Site

After your package is built and tested and the documentation is updated the changes need to be pushed to GitHub.

git add -A
git commit -m "new software tool build"
git push