Known Issues
Package List
- APScheduler-3.6.1 In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
- AnyQt-0.0.10 PyQt4/PyQt5 compatibility layer.
- Babel-2.7.0 Internationalization utilities
- Brotli-1.0.7 Python bindings for the Brotli compression library
- CacheControl-0.12.5 httplib2 caching for requests
- ConfigArgParse-0.14.0 A drop-in replacement for argparse that allows options to also be set via config files and/or environment variables.
- Cython-0.29.13 The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language.
- DCA-0.2.3 Count autoencoder for scRNA-seq denoising
- DataShape-0.5.2 A data description language.
- DendroPy-4.4.0 A Python library for phylogenetics and phylogenetic computing: reading, writing, simulation, processing and manipulation of phylogenetic trees (phylogenies) and characters.
- Deprecated-1.2.6 Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.
- Django-2.2.4 A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
- Flask-1.1.1 A simple framework for building complex web applications.
- Flask-Bootstrap- An extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code.
- Flask-Cors-3.0.8 A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support
- Flask-Debug-0.4.3 Shows reflection/configuration to aid the development of Flask applications.
- Flask-Migrate-2.5.2 SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
- Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.4.0 Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application.
- Flask-Script-2.0.6 Scripting support for Flask
- Flask-WTF-0.14.2 Simple integration of Flask and WTForms.
- Genshi-0.7.3 A toolkit for generation of output for the web
- GitPython-2.1.13 Python Git Library
- HTSeq-0.11.2 A framework to process and analyze data from high-throughput sequencing (HTS) assays
- HeapDict-1.0.0 a heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations
- Jinja2-2.10.1 A very fast and expressive template engine.
- Kivy-1.11.1 A software library for rapid development of hardware-accelerated multitouch applications.
- Mako-1.1.0 A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.
- Markdown-3.1.1 Python implementation of Markdown.
- MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup.
- MonkeyType-19.5.0 Generating type annotations from sampled production types
- Morfessor-2.0.6 Morfessor
- NanoComp-1.9.0 Comparing runs of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments
- NanoFilt-2.5.0 Filtering and trimming of Oxford Nanopore Sequencing data
- NanoLyse-1.1.0 Removing reads mapping to the lambda genome
- NanoPlot-1.26.3 Plotting suite for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments
- NanoStat-1.1.2 Calculate statistics for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments
- Nuitka-0.6.5 Python compiler with full language support and CPython compatibility
- Parsley-1.3 Parsing and pattern matching made easy.
- Paste-3.1.0 Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
- PasteDeploy-2.0.1 Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
- Pillow-6.1.0 Python Imaging Library (Fork)
- PrettyTable-0.7.2 A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format.
- PyChef-0.3.0 Python implementation of a Chef API client.
- PyClone 0.13.1
- PyDP-0.2.4 Data Processing Lib
- PyGithub-1.43.8 Use the full Github API v3
- PyGreSQL-5.1 Python PostgreSQL Interfaces
- PyICU-2.3.1 Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
- PyInstaller-3.5 PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.
- PyJWT-1.7.1 JSON Web Token implementation in Python
- PyMySQL-0.9.3 Pure Python MySQL Driver
- PyNaCl-1.2.1 Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
- PyOpenGL-3.1.0 Standard OpenGL bindings for Python
- PyQt5-5.13.0 Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit
- PyQt5-sip-4.19.18 The sip module support for PyQt5
- PyVCF-0.6.8 Variant Call Format (VCF) parser for Python
- PyWavelets-1.0.3 PyWavelets, wavelet transform module
- PyYAML-5.1.2 YAML parser and emitter for Python
- Pygments-2.4.2 Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python.
- Pyro4-4.76 distributed object middleware for Python (RPC)
- QtPy-1.9.0 Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide) and additional custom QWidgets.
- Routes-2.4.1 Routing Recognition and Generation Tools
- SIP-4.19.8 A Python bindings generator for C/C++ libraries
- SPARQLWrapper-1.8.4 SPARQL Endpoint interface to Python
- SQLAlchemy-1.3.6 Database Abstraction Library
- SecretStorage-3.1.1 Python bindings to Secret Service API
- Send2Trash-1.5.0 Send file to trash natively under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
- Sphinx-2.1.2 Python documentation generator
- Tempita-0.5.2 A very small text templating language
- Theano-1.0.4 Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions on CPUs and GPUs.
- Twisted-19.2.1 An asynchronous networking framework written in Python
- WTForms-2.2.1 A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python web development.
- WebOb-1.8.5 WSGI request and response object
- Werkzeug-0.15.5 The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
- XlsxWriter-1.1.8 A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.
- ZConfig-3.5.0 Structured Configuration Library
- absl-py-0.7.1 Abseil Python Common Libraries, see
- abstract_rendering-0.5.1 Rendering as a binning process
- adal-1.2.2 The ADAL for Python library makes it easy for python application to authenticate to Azure Active Directory (AAD) in order to access AAD protected web resources.
- aenum-2.2.1 Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python’s stdlib Enum), NamedTuples, and NamedConstants
- agfusion-1.251 Python package to annotate and visualize gene fusions.
- aiodns-2.0.0 Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
- airr-1.2.1 AIRR Community Data Representation Standard reference library for antibody and TCR sequencing data.
- alabaster-0.7.12 A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
- alembic-1.0.11 A database migration tool for SQLAlchemy.
- altair-3.1.0 Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altgraph-0.16.1 Python graph (network) package
- amqp-2.5.0 Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib).
- anndata-0.6.22.post1 Annotated Data.
- annoy-1.16.0 Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk.
- ansible-2.8.4 Radically simple IT automation
- apipkg-1.5 apipkg: namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
- apiwrapper-0.1.8 Simple API Wrapper
- appdirs-1.4.3 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a “user data dir”.
- argcomplete-1.10.0 Bash tab completion for argparse
- argh-0.26.2 An unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax
- argon2-cffi-19.1.0 The secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm.
- asciitree-0.3.3 Draws ASCII trees.
- asn1crypto-0.24.0 Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer with definitions for private keys, public keys, certificates, CRL, OCSP, CMS, PKCS#3, PKCS#7, PKCS#8, PKCS#12, PKCS#5, X.509 and TSP
- astor-0.8.0 Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs
- astroid-2.2.5 An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support.
- astropy-3.2.1 Community-developed python astronomy tools
- async_generator-1.10 Async generators and context managers for Python 3.5+
- async_timeout-3.0.1 Timeout context manager for asyncio programs
- attrs-19.1.0 Classes Without Boilerplate
- autopep8-1.4.4 A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide
- awscli-1.16.211 Universal Command Line Environment for AWS.
- azure-4.0.0 Microsoft Azure Client Libraries for Python
- azure-common-1.1.23 Microsoft Azure Client Library for Python (Common)
- backcall-0.1.0 Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API
- backports.csv-1.0.7 Backport of Python 3 csv module
- backports.functools_lru_cache-1.5 Backport of functools.lru_cache
- backports.shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0 A backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3’s shutil.
- backports.shutil_which-3.5.2 Backport of shutil.which from Python 3.3
- backports.weakref-1.0.post1 Backport of new features in Python’s weakref module
- bagit-1.7.0 Create and validate BagIt packages
- bandit-1.6.2 Security oriented static analyser for python code.
- bbknn-1.3.5 Batch balanced KNN
- bcbio-gff-0.6.6 Read and write Generic Feature Format (GFF) with Biopython integration.
- bcrypt-3.1.4 Modern password hashing for your software and your servers
- bd2k-python-lib-1.14a1.dev48 The BD2K Python module kitchen sink
- beautifulsoup4-4.8.0 Screen-scraping library
- betamax-0.8.1 A VCR imitation for python-requests
- billiard- Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes
- biolib-0.0.46 Package for common tasks in bioinformatic.
- biopython-1.74 Freely available tools for computational molecular biology.
- bitarray-1.0.1 efficient arrays of booleans – C extension
- bitstring-3.1.5 Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data.
- black-19.3b0 The uncompromising code formatter.
- blaze-0.10.1 Blaze
- bleach-3.1.0 An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool.
- blessings-1.7 A thin, practical wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and positioning
- blinker-1.4 Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
- blist-1.3.6 a list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists
- blosc-1.8.1 Blosc data compressor
- bokeh-1.3.2 Interactive plots and applications in the browser from Python
- boltons-19.1.0 When they’re not builtins, they’re boltons.
- boto3-1.9.201 The AWS SDK for Python
- botocore-1.12.201 Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3.
- bpython-0.18 Fancy Interface to the Python Interpreter
- brotlipy-0.7.0 Python binding to the Brotli library
- burrito-0.9.1 Framework for wrapping and controlling command-line applications.
- burrito-fillings-0.1.1 burrito-fillings: burrito application controllers for bioinformatics
- bz2file-0.98 Read and write bzip2-compressed files.
- cached-property-1.5.1 A decorator for caching properties in classes.
- capturer-2.4 Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses
- cassandra-driver-3.18.0 Python driver for Cassandra
- cchardet-2.1.4 cChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector.
- celery-4.3.0 Distributed Task Queue.
- certifi-2018.8.13 Python package for providing Mozilla’s CA Bundle.
- cffi-1.11.5 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.
- cftime- Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python
- changeo-0.4.6 A bioinformatics toolkit for processing high-throughput lymphocyte receptor sequencing data.
- chardet-3.0.4 Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3
- click-7.0 Composable command line interface toolkit
- cliff-2.15.0 Command Line Interface Formulation Framework
- cloudpickle-1.2.1 Extended pickling support for Python objects
- clyent-1.2.1 Command line client Library for windwos and posix
- cmarkgfm-0.4.2 Minimal bindings to GitHub’s fork of cmark
- cmd2-0.9.15 cmd2 - quickly build feature-rich and user-friendly interactive command line applications in Python
- codecov-2.0.15 Hosted coverage reports for Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab
- collective.checkdocs-0.2 Distutils command to view and validate restructured text in package’s long_description
- colorama-0.4.1 Cross-platform colored terminal text.
- coloredlogs-10.0 Colored terminal output for Python’s logging module
- configobj-5.0.6 Config file reading, writing and validation.
- configparser-3.7.4 Updated configparser from Python 3.7 for Python 2.6+.
- constantly-15.1.0 Symbolic constants in Python
- coverage-4.5.4 Code coverage measurement for Python
- coveralls-1.8.2 Show coverage stats online via
- cryptography-2.3.1 cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.
- cssselect-1.0.3 cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
- curtsies-0.3.0 Curses-like terminal wrapper, with colored strings!
- cutadapt-2.4 trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads
- cwl-0.0.1 Common Workflow Language Command Line Interface
- cwlref-runner-1.0 Common workflow language reference implementation
- cwltool-1.0.20190621234233 Common workflow language reference implementation
- cx_Freeze-5.1.1 create standalone executables from Python scripts
- cytoolz-0.10.0 Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities
- daemonize-2.5.0 Library to enable your code run as a daemon process on Unix-like systems.
- daiquiri-1.5.0 Library to configure Python logging easily
- darkslide-4.0.1 Lightweight markup language-based html5 slideshow generator. Forked from Landslide.
- dask-2.2.0 Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling
- datacache-1.1.5 Helpers for transparently downloading datasets
- dataclasses-0.6 A backport of the dataclasses module for Python 3.6
- datrie-0.8 Super-fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python.
- dbf-0.98.2 Pure python package for reading/writing dBase, FoxPro, and Visual FoxPro .dbf files (including memos)
- ddt-1.2.1 Data-Driven/Decorated Tests
- deap-1.2.2 Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
- debtcollector-1.21.0 A collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies that help you collect your technical debt in a non-destructive manner.
- decorator-4.3.0 Decorators for Humans
- deepTools-3.3.0 Useful tools for exploring deep sequencing data
- defusedxml-0.6.0 XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules
- deprecation-2.0.6 A library to handle automated deprecations
- dill-0.3.0 serialize all of python
- distlib-0.2.9.post0 Distribution utilities
- distributed-2.2.0 Distributed scheduler for Dask
- django-configurations-2.1 A helper for organizing Django settings.
- dnaio-0.3 Read FASTA and FASTQ files efficiently
- dnspython-1.16.0 DNS toolkit
- doc8-0.8.0 Style checker for Sphinx (or other) RST documentation
- docopt-0.6.2 Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile
- docutils-0.15.2 Docutils – Python Documentation Utilities
- docutils-stubs-0.0.21 PEP 561 type stubs for docutils
- dogpile.cache-0.7.1 A caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock.
- dominate-2.4.0 Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API.
- dpcontracts-0.6.0 A simple implementation of contracts for Python.
- drmaa-0.7.9 a python DRMAA library
- dulwich-0.19.11 Python Git Library
- easygui-0.98.1 EasyGUI is a module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python. EasyGUI is different from other GUI generators in that EasyGUI is NOT event-driven. Instead, all GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls.
- ecdsa-0.13 ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)
- elasticsearch-7.0.2 Python client for Elasticsearch
- elementpath-1.2.0 XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml
- entrypoints-0.3 Discover and load entry points from installed packages.
- ephem- Compute positions of the planets and stars
- epydoc-3.0.1 Edward Loper’s API Documentation Generation Tool
- eventlet-0.25.0 Highly concurrent networking library
- execnet-1.6.1 execnet: rapid multi-Python deployment
- extras-1.0.0 Useful extra bits for Python - things that shold be in the standard library
- fastcache-1.1.0 C implementation of Python 3 functools.lru_cache
- fasteners-0.15 A python package that provides useful locks.
- fastnumbers-2.2.1 Super-fast and clean conversions to numbers.
- feather-format-0.4.0 Simple wrapper library to the Apache Arrow-based Feather File Format
- fields-5.0.0 Container class boilerplate killer.
- filelock-3.0.12 A platform independent file lock.
- findspark-1.3.0 Find pyspark to make it importable.
- first-2.0.2 Return the first true value of an iterable.
- fixtures-3.0.0 Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more.
- flake8-3.7.8 the modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and co
- flake8-docstrings-1.3.1 Extension for flake8 which uses pydocstyle to check docstrings
- flake8-import-order-0.18.1 Flake8 and pylama plugin that checks the ordering of import statements.
- flake8-polyfill-1.0.2 Polyfill package for Flake8 plugins
- flaky-3.6.0 Plugin for nose or pytest that automatically reruns flaky tests.
- flask-appconfig-0.11.1 Configures Flask applications in a canonical way. Also auto-configures Heroku. Aims to standardize configuration.
- flask-nav-0.6 Easily create navigation for Flask applications.
- flup-1.0.3 Random assortment of WSGI servers (py3)
- freezer-7.1.0 The OpenStack Backup Restore and Disaster Recovery as a Service Platform
- fsspec-0.4.1 File-system specification
- funcsigs-1.0.2 Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
- future-0.17.1 Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2
- future-fstrings-1.2.0 A backport of fstrings to python<3.6
- galaxy-lib-19.5.2 Subset of Galaxy ( core code base designed to be used a library.
- gast-0.2.2 Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version
- get_version-2.0.6 A version helper in the spirit of versioneer.
- gevent-1.4.0 Coroutine-based network library
- gitdb2-2.0.5 Git Object Database
- gnureadline-8.0.0 The standard Python readline extension statically linked against the GNU readline library.
- google-2.0.2 Python bindings to the Google search engine.
- google-pasta-0.1.7 pasta is an AST-based Python refactoring library
- graphviz-0.11.1 Simple Python interface for Graphviz
- greenlet-0.4.15 Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
- grpcio-1.22.0 HTTP/2-based RPC framework
- gtfparse-1.2.0 GTF Parsing
- h5py-2.9.0 Read and write HDF5 files from Python
- hacking-1.1.0 OpenStack Hacking Guideline Enforcement
- hdmedians-0.13 High-dimensional medians
- hiredis-1.0.0 Python wrapper for hiredis
- html5lib-1.0.1 HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification
- httpie-1.0.2 HTTPie - a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans.
- httplib2-0.13.1 A comprehensive HTTP client library.
- humanfriendly-4.18 Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
- hunter-3.0.1 Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit.
- hyperlink-19.0.0 A featureful, immutable, and correct URL for Python.
- hyperopt-0.1.2 Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization
- hypothesis-4.32.3 A library for property-based testing
- idna-2.7 Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
- idna_ssl-1.1.0 Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support
- imageio-2.5.0 Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientific, and volumetric data formats.
- imagesize-1.1.0 Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
- incremental-17.5.0
- inflection-0.3.1 A port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python
- ip_associations_python_novaclient_ext-0.2 Adds Rackspace ip_associations support to python-novaclient
- ipaddress-1.0.22 IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library
- ipdb-0.12.2 IPython-enabled pdb
- ipython-7.7.0 IPython: Productive Interactive Computing
- ipython_genutils-0.2.0 Vestigial utilities from IPython
- iso8601-0.1.12 Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates
- isodate-0.6.0 An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter
- isort-4.3.21 A Python utility / library to sort Python imports.
- itsdangerous-1.1.0 Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and back.
- jdcal-1.4.1 Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars.
- jedi-0.14.1 An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors.
- jeepney-0.4 Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper.
- jellyfish-0.7.2 a library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings.
- jmespath-0.9.4 JSON Matching Expressions
- joblib-0.12.2 Lightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline jobs.
- json2html-1.3.0 JSON to HTML Table Representation
- json5-0.8.5 A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format.
- jsonpatch-1.24 Apply JSON-Patches (RFC 6902)
- jsonpointer-2.0 Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901)
- jsonschema-3.0.2 An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
- jsontableschema-0.10.1 A utility library for working with JSON Table Schema in Python
- kazoo-2.6.1 Higher Level Zookeeper Client
- keepalive-0.5 urllib keepalive support for python
- keyring-19.0.2 Store and access your passwords safely.
- keystoneauth1-3.15.0 Authentication Library for OpenStack Identity
- kivy-garden-0.1.4 Garden tool for kivy flowers.
- kombu-4.6.3 Messaging library for Python.
- lark-parser-0.7.2 a modern parsing library
- lazr.uri-1.0.3 A self-contained, easily reusable library for parsing, manipulating,
- lazy-object-proxy-1.4.1 A fast and thorough lazy object proxy.
- ldap3-2.6 A strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
- leidenalg-0.7.0 Leiden is a general algorithm for methods of community detection in large networks.
- liac-arff-2.3 A module for read and write ARFF files in Python.
- librabbitmq-2.0.0 AMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library.
- llvmlite-0.29.0 lightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality
- locket-0.2.0 File-based locks for Python for Linux and Windows
- lockfile-0.12.2 Platform-independent file locking module
- logilab-common-1.4.3 collection of low-level Python packages and modules used by Logilab projects
- loompy-2.0.17 Work with Loom files for single-cell RNA-seq data
- louvain-0.6.1 Louvain is a general algorithm for methods of community detection in large networks.
- lxml-4.4.0 Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.
- macholib-1.11 Mach-O header analysis and editing
- manhole-1.6.0 Manhole is in-process service that will accept unix domain socket connections and present the
- manuel-1.10.1 Manuel lets you build tested documentation.
- mccabe-0.6.1 McCabe checker, plugin for flake8
- memoized-property-1.0.3 A simple python decorator for defining properties that only run their fget function once
- messytables-0.15.2 Parse messy tabular data in various formats
- misopy-0.5.4 Mixture of Isoforms model (MISO) for isoform quantitation using RNA-Seq
- mistune-0.8.4 The fastest markdown parser in pure Python
- mock-2.0.0 Rolling backport of unittest.mock for all Pythons
- monotonic-1.5 An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
- mox3-0.27.0 Mock object framework for Python
- mpi4py-3.0.0 Python bindings for MPI
- mpld3-0.3 D3 Viewer for Matplotlib
- mpmath-1.0.0 Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
- msgpack-python-0.5.6 MessagePack (de)serializer.
- msrest-0.6.9 AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime.
- msrestazure-0.6.1 AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific module.
- multidict-4.5.2 multidict implementation
- multipledispatch-0.6.0 Multiple dispatch
- munch-2.3.2 A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)
- mypy-0.720 Optional static typing for Python
- mypy_extensions-0.4.1 Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker.
- mypytools-0.1.15 A bundle of tools to make using mypy easier
- nanoget-1.8.0 Functions to extract information from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments.
- nanomath-0.23.1 A few simple math function for other Oxford Nanopore processing scripts
- nanoplotter-1.10.0 Plotting functions of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data
- natsort-6.0.0 Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python.
- nbconvert-5.6.0 Converting Jupyter Notebooks
- nbformat-4.4.0 The Jupyter Notebook format
- nbval-0.9.2 A py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
- ndg-httpsclient-0.5.1 Provides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL
- neo4j-driver-1.7.4 Neo4j Bolt driver for Python
- netCDF4- Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 library.
- netaddr-0.7.19 A network address manipulation library for Python
- netifaces-0.10.7 Portable network interface information.
- networkx-2.3 Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
- nltk-3.4.4 Natural Language Toolkit
- nmslib-1.8.1 Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB)
- nose-1.3.7 nose extends unittest to make testing easier
- nose-exclude-0.5.0 Exclude specific directories from nosetests runs.
- nose_warnings_filters-0.1.5 Allow to inject warning filters during
- novaclient-auth-secretkey-0.1 Authentication plugin for novaclient enabling API key and secret key
- npyscreen-4.10.5 Writing user interfaces without all that ugly mucking about in hyperspace
- numba-0.45.1 compiling Python code using LLVM
- numcodecs-0.6.3 A Python package providing buffer compression and transformation codecs for use in data storage and communication applications.
- numexpr-2.6.9 Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
- numpy-1.15.0 NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.
- numpydoc-0.9.1 Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format
- oauth-1.0.1 Library for OAuth version 1.0a.
- oauthlib-3.0.2 A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
- objgraph-3.4.1 Draws Python object reference graphs with graphviz
- odo-0.5.0 Data migration utilities
- olefile-0.46 Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (Structured Storage or Compound Document, Microsoft Office)
- oncodrivefml-2.2.0 Identify signals of positive selection in somatic mutations
- ont-fast5-api-1.4.7 Oxford Nanopore Technologies fast5 API software
- opencv_python- Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
- openpyxl-2.6.2 A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files
- openstackdocstheme-1.31.0 OpenStack Docs Theme
- openstacksdk-0.32.0 An SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack
- orderedmultidict-1.0.1 Ordered Multivalue Dictionary
- os-brick-2.9.1 OpenStack Cinder brick library for managing local volume attaches
- os-client-config-1.32.0 OpenStack Client Configuation Library
- os-service-types-1.7.0 Python library for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data
- os-testr-1.1.0 A testr wrapper to provide functionality for OpenStack projects
- os_diskconfig_python_novaclient_ext-0.1.3 Disk Config extension for python-novaclient
- os_networksv2_python_novaclient_ext-0.26 Adds rackspace networks support to python-novaclient
- os_virtual_interfacesv2_python_novaclient_ext-0.20 Adds Virtual Interfaces support to python-novaclient
- osc-lib-1.13.0 OpenStackClient Library
- oscpy-0.4.0 A modern and efficient OSC Client/Server implementation
- oslo.concurrency-3.29.1 Oslo Concurrency library
- oslo.config-6.11.0 Oslo Configuration API
- oslo.context-2.22.1 Oslo Context library
- oslo.db-5.0.1 Oslo Database library
- oslo.i18n-3.23.1 Oslo i18n library
- oslo.log-3.44.0 oslo.log library
- oslo.privsep-1.33.1 OpenStack library for privilege separation
- oslo.serialization-2.29.1 Oslo Serialization library
- oslo.service-1.40.0 oslo.service library
- oslo.utils-3.41.0 Oslo Utility library
- oslosphinx-4.18.0 OpenStack Sphinx Extensions and Theme
- oslotest-3.8.0 Oslo test framework
- pandas-0.23.4 Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics
- pandocfilters-1.4.2 Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python
- paramiko-2.4.1 SSH2 protocol library
- parse-1.12.0 parse() is the opposite of format()
- partd-1.0.0 Appendable key-value storage
- A module wrapper for os.path
- patsy-0.5.1 A Python package for describing statistical models and for building design matrices.
- pauvre-0.1923 Tools for plotting Oxford Nanopore and other long-read data.
- paycheck-1.0.2 A Python QuickCheck implementation
- pbr-4.2.0 Python Build Reasonableness
- pefile-2019.4.18 Python PE parsing module
- pep517-0.5.0 Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks
- persistent-4.5.0 Translucent persistent objects
- pexpect-4.7.0 Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications.
- pickleshare-0.7.5 Tiny ‘shelve’-like database with concurrency support
- pifpaf-2.2.2 Suite of tools and fixtures to manage daemons for testing
- pip-18.0 The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.
- pip-api-0.0.12 An unofficial, importable pip API
- pip-shims-0.3.3 Compatibility shims for pip versions 8 thru current.
- pipenv-2018.11.26 Python Development Workflow for Humans.
- pipreqs-0.4.9 Pip requirements.txt generator based on imports in project
- pkgconfig-1.5.1 Interface Python with pkg-config
- pkginfo- Query metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages.
- plette-0.2.2 Structured Pipfile and Pipfile.lock models.
- plotly-4.0.0 An open-source, interactive graphing library for Python
- ply-3.11 Python Lex & Yacc
- porechop 0.2.0
- positional-1.2.1 Library to enforce positional or key-word arguments (deprecated/unmaintained)
- presto-0.5.11 A bioinformatics toolkit for processing high-throughput lymphocyte receptor sequencing data.
- pretend-1.0.9 A library for stubbing in Python
- process-tests-2.0.2 Tools for testing processes
- profilehooks-1.11.0 Decorators for profiling/timing/tracing individual functions
- progressbar33-2.4 Text progress bar library for Python.
- prompt_toolkit-2.0.9 Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python
- protobuf-3.9.0 Protocol Buffers
- prov-1.5.3 A library for W3C Provenance Data Model supporting PROV-JSON, PROV-XML and PROV-O (RDF)
- psutil-5.6.3 Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
- psycopg2-2.8.3 psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter
- ptyprocess-0.6.0 Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
- pure-sasl-0.6.1 Pure Python client SASL implementation
- purl-1.5 An immutable URL class for easy URL-building and manipulation
- py2bit-0.3.0 A package for accessing 2bit files using lib2bit
- pyArango-1.3.2 An easy to use python driver for ArangoDB with built-in validation
- pyBigWig-0.3.17 A package for accessing bigWig files using libBigWig
- pyOpenSSL-19.0.0 Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
- py_expression_eval-0.3.4 Python Mathematical Expression Evaluator
- pyarrow-0.14.1 Python library for Apache Arrow
- pyasn1-0.4.4 ASN.1 types and codecs
- pyblake2-1.1.2 BLAKE2 hash function extension module
- pycares-3.0.0 Python interface for c-ares
- pycodestyle-2.5.0 Python style guide checker
- pycosat-0.6.3 bindings to picosat (a SAT solver)
- pycparser-2.18 C parser in Python
- pycrypto-2.6.1 Cryptographic modules for Python.
- pycryptodome-3.8.2 Cryptographic library for Python
- pycurl- PycURL – A Python Interface To The cURL library
- pydicom-1.3.0 Pure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing
- pydocstyle-3.0.0 Python docstring style checker
- pydocumentdb-2.3.3 Azure DocumentDB Python SDK
- pydot-1.4.1 Python interface to Graphviz’s Dot
- pyemd-0.5.1 A Python wrapper for Ofir Pele and Michael Werman’s implementation of the Earth Mover’s Distance.
- pyensembl-1.7.5 Python interface to ensembl reference genome metadata
- pyfaidx- pyfaidx: efficient pythonic random access to fasta subsequences
- pyflakes-2.1.1 passive checker of Python programs
- pygithub3-0.5.1 Python wrapper for the github v3 api
- pyinotify-0.9.6 Linux filesystem events monitoring
- pykerberos-1.2.1 High-level interface to Kerberos
- pylint-2.3.1 python code static checker
- pymongo-3.8.0 Python driver for MongoDB
- pymssql-2.1.4 DB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server for Python. (new Cython-based version)
- pynast-1.2.2 The Python Nearest Alignment Space Termination tool
- pyodbc-4.0.27 DB API Module for ODBC
- pypandoc-1.4 Thin wrapper for pandoc.
- pyparsing-2.2.0 Python parsing module
- pyperclip-1.7.0 A cross-platform clipboard module for Python. (Only handles plain text for now.)
- pyrsistent-0.15.4 Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
- pyserial-3.4 Python Serial Port Extension
- pytables 3.4.4
- pytest-checkdocs-1.2.0 check the README when running tests
- pytest-cov-2.7.1 Pytest plugin for measuring coverage.
- pytest-flake8-1.0.4 pytest plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements
- pytest-mock-1.10.4 Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test
- python-Levenshtein-0.12.0 Python extension for computing string edit distances and similarities.
- python-cinderclient-4.2.1 OpenStack Block Storage API Client Library
- python-consul-1.1.0 Python client for Consul (
- python-dateutil-2.7.3 Extensions to the standard Python datetime module
- python-dotenv-0.10.3 Add .env support to your django/flask apps in development and deployments
- python-editor-1.0.4 Programmatically open an editor, capture the result.
- python-freezerclient-2.1.0 OpenStack Disaster Recovery API Client Library
- python-glanceclient-2.16.0 OpenStack Image API Client Library
- python-hostlist-1.18 Python module for hostlist handling
- python-igraph-0.7.1.post6 High performance graph data structures and algorithms
- python-json-logger-0.1.11 A python library adding a json log formatter
- python-keystoneclient-3.20.0 Client Library for OpenStack Identity
- python-neutronclient-6.12.0 CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Networking
- python-novaclient-14.2.0 Client library for OpenStack Compute API
- python-openstackclient-3.19.0 OpenStack Command-line Client
- python-pam-1.8.4 Python PAM module using ctypes, py3/py2
- python-snappy-0.5.4 Python library for the snappy compression library from Google
- python-subunit-1.3.0 Python implementation of subunit test streaming protocol
- python-swiftclient-3.8.0 OpenStack Object Storage API Client Library
- pytoml-0.1.21 A parser for TOML-0.4.0
- pytype-2019.7.30 Python type inferencer
- pytz-2018.5 World timezone definitions, modern and historical
- pyxdg-0.26 PyXDG contains implementations of standards in python.
- pyzmq-18.0.2 Python bindings for 0MQ
- qrcode-6.1 QR Code image generator
- qtconsole-4.5.2 Jupyter Qt console
- rackspace-auth-openstack-1.3 Rackspace Auth Plugin for OpenStack Clients.
- rackspace-novaclient-2.1 Metapackage to install python-novaclient and Rackspace extensions
- rax_default_network_flags_python_novaclient_ext-0.4.0 Novaclient Extension for Instance Default Network Flags
- rax_scheduled_images_python_novaclient_ext-0.3.1 Extends python-novaclient to use RAX-SI, the Rackspace Nova API Scheduled Images extension
- rdflib-4.2.2 RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful language for representing information.
- rdflib-jsonld-0.4.0 rdflib extension adding JSON-LD parser and serializer
- readme_renderer-24.0 readme_renderer is a library for rendering “readme” descriptions for Warehouse
- redis-3.3.5 Python client for Redis key-value store
- regex-2019.06.08 Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.
- reno-2.11.3 RElease NOtes manager
- reportlab-3.5.23 The Reportlab Toolkit
- repoze.lru-0.7 A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
- repoze.sphinx.autointerface-0.8 Sphinx extension: auto-generates API docs from Zope interfaces
- requests-2.19.1 Python HTTP for Humans.
- requests-kerberos-0.12.0 A Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
- requests-mock-1.6.0 Mock out responses from the requests package
- requests-oauthlib-1.2.0 OAuthlib authentication support for Requests.
- requests-toolbelt-0.9.1 A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
- requestsexceptions-1.4.0 Import exceptions from potentially bundled packages in requests.
- requirementslib-1.5.3 A tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements.
- restructuredtext-lint-1.3.0 reStructuredText linter
- rethinkdb-2.4.2.post1 Python driver library for the RethinkDB database server.
- retrying-1.3.3 Retrying
- retype-17.12.0 re-apply types from .pyi stub files to your codebase
- rfc3986-1.3.2 Validating URI References per RFC 3986
- rfc3987-1.3.8 Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)
- roman-3.2 Integer to Roman numerals converter
- rope-0.14.0 a python refactoring library…
- rsa-4.0 Pure-Python RSA implementation
- ruamel.yaml-0.16.0 ruamel.yaml is a YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip preservation of comments, seq/map flow style, and map key order
- ruffus-2.8.1 Light-weight Python Computational Pipeline Management
- s3fs-0.3.1 Convenient Filesystem interface over S3
- scandir-1.10.0 scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk()
- scanpy-1.4.4 Single-Cell Analysis in Python.
- scanpydoc-0.3.4 A series of Sphinx extensions to get easy to maintain, numpydoc style documentation.
- schema-salad-4.5.20190621200723 Schema Annotations for Linked Avro Data (SALAD)
- sci-0.1.5 a collection of convenience and wrapper functions supporting tasks frequently needed by scientists
- scikit-bio-0.5.5 Data structures, algorithms and educational resources for bioinformatics.
- scikit-build-0.10.0 Improved build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
- scikit-image-0.15.0 Image processing routines for SciPy
- scikit-learn-0.21.3 A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
- scipy-1.1.0 SciPy: Scientific Library for Python
- scvi-0.4.1 Single-cell Variational Inference
- seaborn-0.9.0 seaborn: statistical data visualization
- selenium-3.141.0 Python bindings for Selenium
- serializable-0.1.1 Base class with serialization helpers for user-defined Python objects
- setuptools-40.0.0 Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- setuptools-git-1.2 Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git
- shap-0.29.3 A unified approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
- shellescape-3.4.1 Shell escape a string to safely use it as a token in a shell command (backport of Python shlex.quote for Python versions 2.x & < 3.3)
- shove-0.6.6 Generic dictionaryish object storage frontend
- simplegeneric-0.8.1 Simple generic functions (similar to Python’s own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)
- simplejson-3.16.0 Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- singledispatch- This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3.
- six-1.11.0 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- sklearn-0.0 A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
- slurm-pipeline-3.1.0 A Python class for scheduling SLURM jobs
- slurmpy-0.0.7 submit jobs to slurm with python
- smmap2-2.0.5 A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
- snakemake-5.5.4 Snakemake is a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style. Snakemake workflows are essentially Python scripts extended by declarative code to define rules. Rules describe how to create output files from input files.
- snowballstemmer-1.9.0 This package provides 26 stemmers for 25 languages generated from Snowball algorithms.
- softlayer_messaging-1.0.3 SoftLayer Message Queue Client
- sortedcollections-1.1.2 Python Sorted Collections
- sortedcontainers-2.1.0 Sorted Containers – Sorted List, Sorted Dict, Sorted Set
- soupsieve-1.9.2 A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup.
- sphinx-autodoc-typehints-1.7.0 Type hints (PEP 484) support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
- sphinx-rtd-theme-0.4.3 Read the Docs theme for Sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme-0.4.3 Read the Docs theme for Sphinx
- sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.1
- sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.1
- sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-1.0.2
- sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1 A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript
- sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.2
- sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.3
- sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.1.2 Sphinx API for Web Apps
- sphinxcontrib_github_alt-1.1 Link to GitHub issues, pull requests, commits and users from Sphinx docs.
- sqlalchemy-migrate-0.12.0 Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
- sqlparse-0.3.0 Non-validating SQL parser
- ssh-import-id-5.6 Authorize SSH public keys from trusted online identities
- statsmodels-0.10.1 Statistical computations and models for Python
- stdeb-0.8.5 Python to Debian source package conversion utility
- stestr-2.4.0 A parallel Python test runner built around subunit
- stevedore-1.30.1 Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
- strict-rfc3339-0.7 Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions
- stuf-0.9.16 Normal, default, ordered, chained, restricted, counter, and frozen dictionaries with attribute-style access.
- subunit2sql-1.10.0 Command to Read a subunit file or stream and put the data in a SQL DB
- swiftly-2.06 Command line tool and client bindings for OpenStack Swift.
- sybil-1.2.0 Automated testing for the examples in your documentation.
- sympy-1.4 Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python
- synapseclient-1.9.3 A client for Synapse, a collaborative compute space that allows scientists to share and analyze data together.
- tabulate-0.8.2 Pretty-print tabular data
- tabulator-1.23.0 Consistent interface for stream reading and writing tabular data (csv/xls/json/etc)
- tblib-1.4.0 Traceback serialization library.
- termcolor-1.1.0 ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal.
- testfixtures-6.10.0 A collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests.
- testpath-0.4.2 Test utilities for code working with files and commands
- testrepository-0.0.20 A repository of test results.
- testresources-2.0.1 Testresources, a pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
- testscenarios-0.5.0 Testscenarios, a pyunit extension for dependency injection
- testtools-2.3.0 Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
- textblob-0.15.3 Simple, Pythonic text processing. Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase parsing, and more.
- tifffile-2019.7.26 Read and write TIFF(r) files
- tinytimer-0.0.0 Tiny Python benchmarking library
- tokenize-rt-3.2.0 A wrapper around the stdlib
which roundtrips.
- toml-0.10.0 Python Library for Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language
- tomlkit-0.5.5 Style preserving TOML library
- toolz-0.10.0 List processing tools and functional utilities
- torch-1.2.0 Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- torchfile-0.1.0 Torch7 binary serialized file parser
- tqdm-4.32.2 Fast, Extensible Progress Meter
- traitlets-4.3.2 Traitlets Python config system
- treq-18.6.0 A requests-like API built on top of twisted.web’s Agent
- twine-1.13.0 Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI
- twobitreader-3.1.7 A fast python package for reading .2bit files (used by the UCSC genome browser)
- typechecks-0.1.0 Helper functions for runtime type checking
- typed-ast-1.4.0 a fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support
- typing-extensions-3.7.4 Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+
- tzlocal-2.0.0 tzinfo object for the local timezone
- ujson-1.35 Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python
- umap-learn-0.3.9 Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
- umi_tools-1.0.0 umi_tools: Tools for UMI analyses
- unicodecsv-0.14.1 Python2’s stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesn’t support unicode. This module is a drop-in replacement which does.
- uritemplate-3.0.0 URI templates
- urllib3-1.23 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
- urwid-2.0.1 A full-featured console (xterm et al.) user interface library
- vctools- A set of tools for interacting with the VMware vCloud API, whether on vCloud Air or locally installed.
- vega-2.5.0 IPyVega: An IPython/Jupyter widget for Vega 5 and Vega-Lite 3
- vega3-0.13.0 Deprecated: please use vega
- vine-1.3.0 Promises, promises, promises.
- virtualenv-16.0.0 Virtual Python Environment builder
- virtualenv-clone-0.5.3 script to clone virtualenvs.
- visdom- A tool for visualizing live, rich data for Torch and Numpy
- visitor-0.1.3 A tiny pythonic visitor implementation.
- vistir-0.4.3 Miscellaneous utilities for dealing with filesystems, paths, projects, subprocesses, and more.
- voluptuous-0.11.5 # Voluptuous is a Python data validation library
- wadllib-1.3.3 Navigate HTTP resources using WADL files as guides.
- warlock-1.3.3 Python object model built on JSON schema and JSON patch.
- watchdog-0.9.0 Filesystem events monitoring
- webcolors-1.9.1 A library for working with color names and color values formats defined by HTML and CSS.
- webencodings-0.5.1 Character encoding aliases for legacy web content
- websocket-0.2.1 Websocket implementation for gevent
- whatshap-0.18 phase genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads
- wheel-0.33.4 A built-package format for Python.
- wrapt-1.11.2 Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching.
- xattr-0.9.6 Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes
- xgboost-0.90 XGBoost Python Package
- xlrd-1.1.0 Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
- xlwt-1.3.0 Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform, with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3+
- xmlschema-1.0.13 An XML Schema validator and decoder
- xopen-0.7.3 Open compressed files transparently
- yagdspy-1.0 Graph dependancy system for processing tasks
- yamlordereddictloader-0.4.0 YAML loader and dump for PyYAML allowing to keep keys order.
- yappi-1.0 Yet Another Python Profiler
- yarl-1.3.0 Yet another URL library
- yaspin-0.14.3 Yet Another Terminal Spinner
- zappy-0.2.0 Distributed processing with NumPy and Zarr.
- zarr-2.3.2 An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python.
- zict-1.0.0 Mutable mapping tools
- zipp-0.5.2 Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files
- zope.component-4.5 Zope Component Architecture
- zope.configuration-4.3.1 Zope Configuration Markup Language (ZCML)
- zope.copy-4.2 Pluggable object copying mechanism
- zope.deferredimport-4.3.1 zope.deferredimport allows you to perform imports names that will only be resolved when used in the code.
- zope.deprecation-4.4.0 Zope Deprecation Infrastructure
- zope.event-4.4 Very basic event publishing system
- zope.exceptions-4.3 Zope Exceptions
- zope.hookable-4.2.0 Zope hookable
- zope.i18nmessageid-4.3.1 Message Identifiers for internationalization
- zope.interface-4.6.0 Interfaces for Python
- zope.location-4.2 Zope Location
- zope.proxy-4.3.2 Generic Transparent Proxies
- zope.schema-4.9.3 zope.interface extension for defining data schemas
- Zope Security Framework
- zope.testing-4.7 Zope testing helpers
- zope.testrunner-5.0 Zope testrunner script.
- zstandard-0.11.1 Zstandard bindings for Python