Welcome to our fledgling documentation site, now hosted by github!
- A brief, still test, second post by bmcgough
- A first test post by bmcgough
- by __
24 February 2016: Welcome to Jekyll!
- by __
12 April 2015: Test post from last year
- by __
Gizmo Overview (2018-04-22 00:00)
A 10,000 foot view of Gizmo
slurm overview (2018-04-22 00:00)
A description of slurm, our cluster scheduler
Bioinformatics (2018-04-22 00:00)
How and why to reach Bioinformatics
Helpdesk (2018-04-22 00:00)
CIT Helpdesk can help you
R (2018-04-22 00:00)
An overview of our resources for the R programming language
Environment Modules (2018-04-22 00:00)
A description of Environment Modules, including Lmod