Find the distribution of plasmid (day0 data) pgRNA log2 CPM values, and ascertain a cutoff or filter for low log2 CPM values. Assumes the first column of the dataset is the day0 data; do I need a better method to tell, especially if there are reps?
cutoff = NULL,
filter_plasmid_target_col = NULL,
wide_ar = 0.75
The special gimap_dataset from the `setup_data` function which contains the transformed data
default is NULL, the cutoff for low log2 CPM values for the plasmid time period; if not specified, The lower outlier (defined by taking the difference of the lower quartile and 1.5 * interquartile range) is used
default is NULL, and if NULL, will select the first column only; this parameter specifically should be used to specify the plasmid column(s) that will be selected
aspect ratio, default is 0.75
a ggplot histogram
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
gimap_dataset <- get_example_data("gimap")
# or to specify a "cutoff" value that will be displayed as a dashed vertical line
qc_plasmid_histogram(gimap_dataset, cutoff = 1.75)
# or to specify a different column (or set of columns) to select
qc_plasmid_histogram(gimap_dataset, filter_plasmid_target_col = 1:2)
# or to specify a "cutoff" value that will be displayed as a dashed vertical
# line as well as to specify a different column (or set of columns) to select
qc_plasmid_histogram(gimap_dataset, cutoff = 2, filter_plasmid_target_col = 1:2)
} # }