All functions |
Calculate Genetic Interaction scores |
Get file path to an default credentials RDS |
Returns example data for package |
Annotate gimap data |
A function to run filtering |
Normalize Log fold changes |
Do tests for each replicate –an internal function used by calc_gi() function |
Plot CRISPR scores after normalization |
Plots for Genetic interactions |
Rank plot for target-level GI scores |
Target bar plot for CRISPR scores |
Standardized plot theme |
Volcano plot for GI scores |
Create a CDF for the pgRNA normalized counts |
Create a bar graph that shows the number of replicates with a zero count for pgRNA constructs flagged by the zero count filter |
Create a correlation heatmap for the pgRNA CPMs |
Create a filter for pgRNAs which have a low log2 CPM value for the plasmid/Day 0 sample/time point |
Create a filter for pgRNAs which have a raw count of 0 for any sample/time point |
Create a histogram with plasmid log2 CPM values and ascertain a cutoff for low values |
Create a histogram for the pgRNA log2 CPMs, faceted by sample |
Create a histogram for the variance within replicates for each pgRNA |
Run Quality Control Checks |
Making a new gimap dataset |
List the supported cell lines |