5 mRNA profiling and DUX4/IFNg induced genes
In this chapter, we performed mRNA profiling on different genomic features and identified DUX4 and \(IFN_{\gamma}\) induced genes. Bioconductor packages, including GenomicAlignments and DESeq along with custom build annotation TxDB package hg38.HomoSapiens.Gencode.v35
, were used for gene counting, differential analysis, and determining translation efficiency and the DUX4- and \(IFN_{\gamma}\)-induced genes.
5.1 mRNA profiling
Similar to the RPFs profiling, we used GenomicAlignments::summarizedOverlaps()
to perform gene counting on gene-based features, CDS and exons, and transcript-based features, including 5’ UTR, around translation start site ([-13, 13]), first exon, and 3’ TUR.
Note that this mRNA profiling involved BAM files and therefore the results (DESeqDataSeq
instance) of the code here were not generated on the fly.
5.2 libraries, parameters, and tools
Code chunk belows load libraries and defines sample info as meta data.
txdb <- hg38.HomoSapiens.Gencode.v35
bp_param=MulticoreParam(workers = 12L)
register(bp_param, default=TRUE)
# Define parameters and sample info
pkg_dir <- "/fh/fast/tapscott_s/CompBio/Ribo-seq/hg38.DUX4.IFN.ribofootprint.2"
rna_bam_dir <- "/fh/fast/tapscott_s/CompBio/dchamm/DCH_Paired_RiboSeq_RNA-Seq_BAM_files"
sample_info <- data.frame(
bam_files = bam_files <- list.files(rna_bam_dir, pattern=".bam$",
full.names=TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(sample_name = str_replace(basename(bam_files),
".bam", ""),
treatment = str_replace(str_sub(sample_name,
start=1L, end=-3L),
"[^_]+_", "")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(treatment = str_replace(treatment, "-", "_")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(treatment = recode(treatment, Untreated="untreated")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(treatment = factor(treatment,
"DOX_pulse", "IFNg",
rownames(sample_info) <- sample_info$sample_name
# tools for tx_name
.get_row_data_txname <- function(rse, txdb) {
tx_name <- rownames(rse)
df <- AnnotationDbi::select(txdb, keys=tx_name, columns="GENEID", keytype="TXNAME",
multiVals="first") %>% as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::distinct(TXNAME, .keep_all=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::rename(tx_name=TXNAME, gene_id=GENEID) %>%
dplyr::left_join(as.data.frame(gene.anno), by="gene_id") %>%
dplyr::select(tx_name, gene_id, gene_type, gene_name, hgnc_id)
rownames(df) <- df$tx_name
rowData(rse) <- df[rownames(rse), ]
5.3 Gene-based genomc features
Code chunks below profiles mRNA in gene-based genomic features by CDS and by exons:
# (a) tx-based features
load(file.path(pkg_dir, "data", "tx_based_features.rda")) # 5'UTR/TSS/1stExon/3'UTR
around_TSS <- tx_based_features$around_TSS
feature_5p <- tx_based_features$feature_5p
feature_3p <- tx_based_features$feature_3p
first_exon <- tx_based_features$first_exon
# (b) gene-based features
cds <- cdsBy(txdb, by="gene")
exons <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
# CDS expression by genes
rse_cds_mRNA <- summarizeOverlaps(features = cds,
mode = "IntersectionStrict",
inter.feature = TRUE,
colnames(rse_cds_mRNA) <- sample_info$sample_name
colData(rse_cds_mRNA) <- as(sample_info, "DataFrame")
rowData(rse_cds_mRNA) <- gene.anno[rownames(rse_cds_mRNA),
c("gene_id", "gene_type",
"gene_name", "hgnc_id")]
save(rse_cds_mRNA, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data",
Profiling exons by genes:
# exons expression by genes
rse_exons_mRNA <- summarizeOverlaps(features = exons,
mode = "IntersectionStrict",
inter.feature = TRUE, ignore.strand=TRUE)
colnames(rse_exons_mRNA) <- sample_info$sample_name
colData(rse_exons_mRNA) <- as(sample_info, "DataFrame")
rowData(rse_exons_mRNA) <- gene.anno[rownames(rse_exons_mRNA),
c("gene_id", "gene_type",
"gene_name", "hgnc_id")]
save(rse_exons_mRNA, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data",
5.4 Profiling transcroptome for transcript-based genomic features:
Code chuck below profiling for the fist exon for each transcripts:
# first exon by transcripts (tx) - inherit sizeFactor from rse_cds_mRNA; must turn off inter.feature
rse_1st_exon_by_tx_mRNA <-
summarizeOverlaps(features = first_exon,
mode = "IntersectionStrict",
inter.feature = FALSE, ignore.strand=TRUE,
colnames(rse_1st_exon_by_tx_mRNA) <- sample_info$sample_name
colData(rse_1st_exon_by_tx_mRNA) <- as(sample_info, "DataFrame")
rse_1st_exon_by_tx_mRNA <- .get_row_data_txname(rse_1st_exon_by_tx_mRNA, txdb)
save(rse_1st_exon_by_tx_mRNA, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data",
Profiling footprint 13 nts up/down-stream from the the translation start sites [-13, 13]:
# around TSS
rse_TSS_by_tx_mRNA <-
summarizeOverlaps(features = around_TSS,
mode = "Union",
inter.feature = FALSE, ignore.strand=TRUE, BPPARAM=bp_param)
colnames(rse_TSS_by_tx_mRNA) <- sample_info$sample_name
colData(rse_TSS_by_tx_mRNA) <- as(sample_info, "DataFrame")
rse_TSS_by_tx_mRNA <- .get_row_data_txname(rse_TSS_by_tx_mRNA, txdb)
save(rse_TSS_by_tx_mRNA, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data",
Profiling on 5’ UTR and 3’ UTR:
# 5' UTR
rse_5UTR_by_tx_mRNA <-
summarizeOverlaps(features = feature_5p,
mode = "Union",
inter.feature = FALSE, ignore.strand=TRUE, BPPARAM=bp_param)
colnames(rse_5UTR_by_tx_mRNA) <- sample_info$sample_name
colData(rse_5UTR_by_tx_mRNA) <- as(sample_info, "DataFrame")
rse_5UTR_by_tx_mRNA <- .get_row_data_txname(rse_5UTR_by_tx_mRNA,
save(rse_5UTR_by_tx_mRNA, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data",
# 3' UTR
rse_3UTR_by_tx_mRNA <-
summarizeOverlaps(features = feature_3p,
mode = "Union",
inter.feature = FALSE, ignore.strand=TRUE, BPPARAM=bp_param)
colnames(rse_3UTR_by_tx_mRNA) <- sample_info$sample_name
colData(rse_3UTR_by_tx_mRNA) <- as(sample_info, "DataFrame")
rse_3UTR_by_tx_mRNA <- .get_row_data_txname(rse_3UTR_by_tx_mRNA, txdb)
save(rse_3UTR_by_tx_mRNA, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data",
5.5 Define DUX4 and IFN-gamma induced genes
We used the mRNA profiling on CDS and applied DESeq2 to determine the DUX4 and \(IFN_{\gamma}\) induced genes by comparing \(INF_{\gamma}\) and DUX-pulse treatments to untraated, respectively, with thresholds adjusted \(p\)-value \(< 0.05\) and \(logFC > 1\).
# (1) S1 - DUX4-induced: DOX_pulse vs. untreated
rna_S1 <- rse_cds_mRNA[, rse_cds_mRNA$treatment %in% c("untreated", "DOX_pulse")]
rna_S1 <- rna_S1[rowSums(assays(rna_S1)[["counts"]]) >= 12]
rna_S1$treatment <- factor(rna_S1$treatment, levels=c("untreated", "DOX_pulse"))
dds_rna_S1 <- DESeqDataSet(rna_S1, design = ~ treatment)
dds_rna_S1 <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_rna_S1)
dds_rna_S1 <- DESeq(dds_rna_S1)
# thresholds: lfc > 1 and padj < 0.05
DUX4_induced_v2 <- results(dds_rna_S1, alpha=0.05, tidy=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(padj < 0.05, log2FoldChange > 1 ) %>%
dplyr::arrange(padj) %>%
dplyr::rename(ensembl="row") %>%
gene_type=rowData(dds_rna_S1[ensembl])$gene_type, .before=2) %>%
dplyr::mutate(status=if_else(log2FoldChange > 1, "up", "down")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(cnt, by="ensembl")
save(DUX4_induced_v2, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data", "DUX4_induced_v2.rda"))
# (2) S2 - IFNg induced: IFNg vs. untreated
rna_S2 <- rse_cds_mRNA[, rse_cds_mRNA$treatment %in% c("untreated", "IFNg")]
rna_S2 <- rna_S2[rowSums(assays(rna_S2)[["counts"]]) >= 12]
rna_S2$treatement <- factor(rna_S2$treatment, levels=c("untreated", "IFNg"))
dds_rna_S2 <- DESeqDataSet(rna_S2, design = ~ treatment)
dds_rna_S2 <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_rna_S2)
dds_rna_S2 <- DESeq(dds_rna_S2)
IFNg_induced_v2 <- results(dds_rna_S2, alpha=0.05, tidy=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(padj < 0.05, log2FoldChange > 1 ) %>%
dplyr::arrange(padj) %>%
dplyr::rename(ensembl="row") %>%
.before=2) %>%
dplyr::mutate(counts=counts(dds_rna_S6[ensembl], normalized=TRUE))
save(IFNg_induced_v2, file=file.path(pkg_dir, "data",