6 Translation efficiency changes in CDS

The ribosome footprint (ribo-seq) and mRNA (RNA-seq) profiling allowed to determine changes in translation efficiency between two treatment groups. We employed a contrast model that calculated the logarithmic differences of the ratios between two groups in Ribo-seq and RNA-seq, with the null hypothesis defined as:

\[\begin{equation} H_0: \Bigg| log\left(\frac{treatment 2}{treatment 1}\right)_{ribo-seq} - log\left(\frac{treatment 2}{treatment 1}\right)_{RNA-seq} \Bigg| = 0, \tag{6.1} \end{equation}\] where the treatment 2 and 1 groups could be DUX-pulse+\(IFN_\gamma\) and \(IFN_\gamma\), respectively, or DUX-pulse and untreated.

In this chapter, we examined the effects of DUX4 on translation efficiency in CDS, specifically comparing DUX-pulse+\(IFN_\gamma\) to \(IFN_\gamma\). Here, we illustrate the steps and code used to discover any changes in translation efficiency.

6.1 Steps

To discover changes in translation efficiency induced by DUX4, we followed these steps:

  1. We defined genomic features that include gene-based CDS, as well as transcript-based features such as 5’ UTR, 13 nts up/downstream from translation start sites, first coding exons, and 3’ UTR. We then counted p-sites within these genomic features, as described in Chapter 4.
  2. Conducted non-specific filtering by excluding 92 histone1 (H1) and histone 2 (H2) variants, as well as DUX4- and \(IFN_\gamma\)-induced genes (as described in Chapter 5). We applied loose base-mean filtering to both RNA-seq and ribo-seq data.
  3. Pre-estimated size factor separately for RNA-seq and ribo-seq libraries using DESeq2 and p-site counts (ribo-seq) and gene counts (RNA-seq), irrespective of the genomic features.
  4. Applied loose base-mean non-specific filtering to avoid very low counts (noise)
  5. Performed hypothesis testing by applying the contrast model described above to DESeq2, using adjusted p-values < 0.05 and |logFC| > 1 as the thresholds for significant translation efficiency changes.
  6. Conducted GO term analysis for down-regulated translation changes.

6.2 Flowchart

Flowchart to examine the translational efficiency changes induced by DUX4.

Figure 3.5: Flowchart to examine the translational efficiency changes induced by DUX4.

6.3 Load libraries and define parameters

Note that the main directory is named pkg_dir, and we have set it to our local path. The code chunks in this chapter are extracted from here.

txdb <- hg38.HomoSapiens.Gencode.v35

bp_param=MulticoreParam(workers = 4L)
register(bp_param, default=TRUE)
# define parameters
pkg_dir <- "~/CompBio/DUX4-IFNg-ribosome-footprints"
stats_dir <- file.path(pkg_dir, "stats", "translation_changes", "CDS")
source(file.path(pkg_dir, "scripts", "06A-tools_TE.R"))
source(file.path(pkg_dir, "scripts", "tools.R"))
load(file.path(pkg_dir, "data", "dds_cds_by_gene.rda"))

my_color <- wesanderson::wes_palette("Darjeeling1", n=5)[2:5]
names(my_color) <- levels(dds_cds_by_gene$treatment)

# define comparison groups
list_comp <- list(S1 = c("untreated", "DOX_pulse"),
                  S2 = c("untreated", "IFNg"),
                  S3 = c("untreated", "DOX_pulse_IFNg"),
                  S4 = c("IFNg", "DOX_pulse"),
                  S5 = c("DOX_pulse", "DOX_pulse_IFNg"),
                  S6 = c("IFNg", "DOX_pulse_IFNg" ))

Next, we loaded the data sets of ribosome footprints and mRNA profiling as we as the genes to be remove from the analysis of translation efficiency changes.

# load rse by genes
load(file.path(pkg_dir, "data", "rse_cds_by_gene.rda"))
load(file.path(pkg_dir, "data", "rse_cds_mRNA.rda")) # cds by genes

# load DUX4_altered and INFg_altered
load(file.path(pkg_dir, "data", "DUX4_induced_v2.rda")) # LFC > 1
load(file.path(pkg_dir, "data", "IFNg_induced_v2.rda")) # LFC > 1

# identify H1 and H2 variants and PSM subunits
histone_variants <- .histone_variants(gene.anno)
exclude_gene <- c(histone_variants$gene_id, DUX4_induced_v2$ensembl)
psm_name <- readxl::read_xlsx(file.path(pkg_dir, "extdata", "Gene Lists_Proteasome_MHC-I.xlsx"),
                              sheet=1, range="A4:B49") 
PSM <- as.data.frame(gene.anno) %>% dplyr::select(gene_name, gene_id) %>%
  dplyr::filter(gene_name %in% psm_name$Symbol)

6.4 DESeq2: DUX4+\(IFN_\gamma\) vs. \(IFN_\gamma\) in CDS

The code chunks below perform DESeq2’s differential analysis using a designated contrast model (as mentioned above) to discover translation efficiency changes in DUX4+\(IFN_\gamma\) relative \(IFN_\gamma\) in CDS.

# S6: use .comb_RNA_Ribo to combine mRNA and ribosome profilings and 
# define design matrix to be used by DESeq2
dds_S6 <- .comb_RNA_Ribo(rse_rna = rse_cds_mRNA, 
                         rse_ribo = rse_cds_by_gene, 
                         rna_mean_filter=10, ribo_mean_filter=5)
dds_S6 <- dds_S6[!rownames(dds_S6) %in% exclude_gene]        
dds_S6 <- DESeq(dds_S6)
S6_ribo_over_rna <- results(dds_S6, 
                            alpha=0.05) # translation efficiency changes
S6_rna <- results(dds_S6, 
                  name="treatment_DOX_pulse_IFNg_vs_IFNg", alpha=0.05)  
S6_ribo <- results(dds_S6, 

Next we tidied the result and made a scatter plot for the log fold changes between DUX-pulse and \(IFN_\gamma\) in ribo-seq and in RNA-seq.

# tidy the results and exclude DUX4-induced genes
tidy_S6_v2 <- .tidy_res_ribo_over_rna(dds=dds_S6, 
                                      ribo_res=S6_ribo, rna_res=S6_rna,
                                      alpha=0.05, lfc_threshold=1) %>%
             dplyr::filter(!ensembl %in% DUX4_induced_v2$ensembl) %>%
             dplyr::mutate(IFNg_induced_v2 = ensembl %in% IFNg_induced_v2$ensembl)

# scatter plot between log2FC in ribo-seq and in RNA-seq
res <- tidy_S6_v2
msg_up   <- sprintf("log2(Ribo / RNA) > 1: %4.0f", sum(res$status == "up"))
msg_down <- sprintf("log2(Ribo / RNA) < -1: %4.0f", sum(res$status == "down"))  
pearson <- cor(res$rna_lfc, res$ribo_lfc)             
label_x_pos <- 0 
label_y_pos <- -2.5

ggplot(res, aes(x=rna_lfc, y=ribo_lfc)) +
  geom_point(size=2, alpha=0.5, aes(color=status, shape=IFNg_induced_v2)) +
  theme_bw() +
  annotate("text", x=label_x_pos, y=label_y_pos, label=paste0("Pearson = ", format(pearson, digit=2)),
           hjust = 0, vjust=1) +
  annotate("text", x=label_x_pos, y=label_y_pos-0.5, label=msg_up, color="red", 
           hjust = 0, vjust=1) +
  annotate("text", x=label_x_pos, y=label_y_pos-1, label=msg_down, 
           color="blue", hjust=0, vjust=1) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("gray75", "red", "blue")) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values=c(19, 1)) +
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), 
        legend.position="bottom", legend.box="vertical") +
  labs(x=bquote(~"RNA-seq:" ~log[2]~"(DOX_pulse_IFNg / IFNg)"), 
       y=bquote(~"Ribo-seq:" ~log[2]~"(DOX_pulse_IFNg / IFNg)"), 
       title="Ribo-seq vs. RNA-seq (exclude DUX4-induced)", shape="IFNg-induced") 
Scatter plot of log fold changes between DUX-pulse and IFN in ribo-seq and in RNA-seq. Blue dots indicate down-regulated translation efficiency changes and red up-regulated.

Figure 6.1: Scatter plot of log fold changes between DUX-pulse and IFN in ribo-seq and in RNA-seq. Blue dots indicate down-regulated translation efficiency changes and red up-regulated.

6.5 GO term analysis

# take down-regulated translation efficiency and use goseq to find the
# affected GO terms. Display the top 10.
interested <- tidy_S6_v2 %>% dplyr::filter(status=="down")
universal <- tidy_S6_v2 %>% pull(ensembl) %>% str_replace("\\..*", "")
selected <- interested %>% pull(ensembl) %>% str_replace("\\..*", "")
enriched_go <- .do_goseq(universal=universal, selected_gene=selected,  p_value=0.3,
                         return.DEInCat=FALSE, dds=dds_S6)
knitr::kable(enriched_go[1:10, ], caption="Top 10 enriched GO terms determined by down-regulated translation efficiency induced by DUX4." )
Table 6.1: Top 10 enriched GO terms determined by down-regulated translation efficiency induced by DUX4.
category over_represented_pvalue numDEInCat numInCat term ontology padj
GO:0019219 0.0000025 60 2702 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process BP 0.0232240
GO:0051252 0.0000033 56 2466 regulation of RNA metabolic process BP 0.0232240
GO:0006355 0.0000562 49 2239 regulation of DNA-templated transcription BP 0.1278336
GO:1903506 0.0000578 49 2241 regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription BP 0.1278336
GO:2001141 0.0000625 49 2248 regulation of RNA biosynthetic process BP 0.1278336
GO:0045605 0.0000644 3 6 negative regulation of epidermal cell differentiation BP 0.1278336
GO:0045683 0.0000644 3 6 negative regulation of epidermis development BP 0.1278336
GO:0006351 0.0000857 50 2339 DNA-templated transcription BP 0.1346224
GO:0097659 0.0000872 50 2340 nucleic acid-templated transcription BP 0.1346224
GO:0032774 0.0001018 50 2355 RNA biosynthetic process BP 0.1414823