Chapter 3 DUXC transcriptome

In this chapter, we present
(1) the hypothesis setting for determining differentailly expressed genes in the canine model
(2) MA plots of DUXC, DUX4 and DUXC-ALT expression in canine
(3) GO analysis for the DUXC-ALT down-regulated genes
(4) analysis for the cross-species models: DUX4 expression in canine and murine

3.2 DESeq2

3.2.2 CinC: DUXC expresison in canine muscle cells

MA plot of DUXC expression in canine

Figure 3.1: MA plot of DUXC expression in canine

3.2.3 HinC: DUX4 expression in canine muscle cells

MA plot of DUX4 expression in canine

Figure 3.2: MA plot of DUX4 expression in canine

3.2.4 DUXC-ALT expression - CALTinC

DUXC-ALT positively affects a few genes (20) but the down-regulates are similar with the DUXC and DUX4 down-regulates. This suggests that even the in-frame extra exon of DUXC-ALT disrupts the transcriptional activity, the conserved C-terminal get to maintain its function and represses expression of some INF-induced genes (e.g. ISG15, CCL5, CXCL10, RSAD2, MX1/MX2).

MA plot of DUXC-ALT expression in canine

Figure 3.3: MA plot of DUXC-ALT expression in canine

Showing below is a venn diagram showing the overlaps of the down-regulates of DUX, DUX4, and DUXC-ALT.

Venn diagram of down-regualated genes in DUXC, DUX4 and DUXC-ALTC.

Figure 3.4: Venn diagram of down-regualated genes in DUXC, DUX4 and DUXC-ALTC.

NOTE: DUXC-ALT up-regulated 20 genes and nine of them are overlapped with the up-regulated by DUXC – JAG1, NPTX1, ID1, ODAPH, DHRS9, SLC2A2, SYT4, SERPINB12, TRAPPC3L.

GO analysis for the down-regulated gene set

The down-regulated genes of DUXC-ALT are interesting; they might reveals the repressive functions that the conservative c-terminal regulates. Below is the top 10 repressed GO terms for the DUXC-ALT down-reguated.

Top 10 GO terms

category over_represented_pvalue numInCat numDEInCat term
GO:0009607 0e+00 270 19 response to biotic stimulus
GO:0043207 0e+00 253 18 response to external biotic stimulus
GO:0051707 0e+00 253 18 response to other organism
GO:0009615 0e+00 96 11 response to virus
GO:0051704 0e+00 557 22 multi-organism process
GO:0098542 0e+00 115 11 defense response to other organism
GO:0006952 0e+00 377 18 defense response
GO:0051607 0e+00 70 9 defense response to virus
GO:0009605 0e+00 656 23 response to external stimulus
GO:0045087 2e-07 187 12 innate immune response

3.3 Cross-species models: DUX4 expression in canine and murine

This section shows the comparison of the cross-species models of DUX4 expression in canine and murine: the correlation of gene expression (assembled by log2 fold change) induced by DUX4 and DUXC is significant (Pearson=\(0.83\)) whereas that of DUX4 and Dux in murine is weak (Pearson=\(0.275\)).

3.3.1 DUX4 and DUXC expression in canine

Pearson correlation between DUX4 and DUXC expression (assembled by logFC) in canine is \(0.803\). Code below draws the 2D density plot below presenting their linear relationship: dashed line is the linear regression line \(y=0.11 + 0.8x\) whereas the solid line is \(x=y\).

## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
2D density scatter plot between DUX4 and DUXC expression in canine.

Figure 3.5: 2D density scatter plot between DUX4 and DUXC expression in canine.

## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

3.3.2 DUX4 and Dux expression in murine

Pearson correlation between DUX4 and Dux expression in murine is \(0.275\); linear regression model is \(y=-0.024 + 0.21x\).

## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
2D density scatter plot between DUX4 and Dux expression in murine.

Figure 3.6: 2D density scatter plot between DUX4 and Dux expression in murine.

## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'